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Bio and Untreated Limes at Torres Tropical!

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Bio Limes at Torres Tropical

Torres Tropical Fresh aims at fully satisfying its customers. This is why we worked hard for getting the Bio certification few months ago, (SKAL).

Since then we have been delivering Bio limes to our customers from Mexico and Brazil.

We receive weekly arrivals of both Mexican and Brazilian Bio limes.

Give us a call for more information about shipments and availability.


Organic or untreated, what is the difference?

At Torres Tropical we can offer both Bio and Untreated limes.

In the case of Bio limes, we are dealing with an organic fruit whose production is made through a 100% organic farming, which is certified and declared by the green label we find on the product.

In the case of Untreated limes, the production is conventional, but the limes do not undergo the post harvesting treatments, which means that the skin is edible and free from wax used usually on conventional citrus.

So check out your needs and call us! We will find together what best suits you!

PAPAGAIO (Green Bird)Paco the parrot, representing our Belleza limes!

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