Sustainable produce
Through the year round sourcing we are able to guarantee the supply 52 per week. We are now looking to develop the strong availability of organic ginger, bringing to life our new mascot the hummingbird, representing the category of organic produce. On the same time, we will start sharing with our chain partners the need to understand and request a continuous sustainable development of the ginger cultivation.
More about ginger and its properties
Did you know? Ginger is officially an underground stem called a rhizome.
A rhizome (ancient Greek: Mass of roots) is a horizontal underground growing stem where the plant stores starches and proteins in order to survive tougher seasons. The rhizome of some particular species, including ginger and turmeric amongst others, are edible and used for culinary purposes.
Ginger has the characteristics of a spicy and sharp taste and contains different substances and key nutrients. It is often used as a culinary herb and has a very wide variety of medical and therapeutic properties. As an incredibly healthy product, it benefits immune health and soothes nausea and digestive issues. Gingerol is the compound that gives ginger its sharp taste It has also the highest amount of anti-cancer properties.
We provide beautiful packagings (of 4kg and 5kg) in our colorful Belleza brand. Besides flowpack options are also available. Ask for the possibilities.
For more information contact:Tiago de WitPhone: +31(0) 85 88 86 245E-mail:
Recipe: How to make your own homemade ginger juice!
Wat do you need:
How to make it:
Igor the Flamingo, representing our exotics of the Belleza brand!
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